Tuesday, July 26, 2011

boy scouts

       Well I found a place to fit in, Boy Scouts. Now I know a lot of people think that's boring, but it is not. It's really fun to get together and go camping or hiking with other people your age. I ran for patrol leader, and surprisingly got it. All the patrol leader does is call people for the meetings and lead the troop. So that's what I have been doing.

Monday, July 18, 2011


I recently got into air-soft with my two best friends. a lot of people think its hazardous, (for all you classic lovers you will shoot your eye out kid). and i know it can be dangerous if used improperly, like shooting people before the round starts, aiming for the face, or shot at point blank but once you get over those its a lot of fun.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

my dad

My dad is starting a missionary flight academy, with a good friend named Dan. They have 1 student and lots more coming. The thing i like about this is I can fly with my dad and i could get my pilots license in high school. they have three planes and some they are repairing

pics coming soon

x-men first class

I am going to try something new, I am going to write a movie review on x-men. It was a good movie and it explains a lot, like how professor x got into the wheel chair and how magneto became evil. their are some words but not a lot. Other than that it is a great movie, i give it the spok...

OK yes i am a nerd    

Tuesday, May 31, 2011

A Home Schoolers Life

Some ask me what its like to be a home schooled kid.  I am  going to answer them in this blog. Well, to start with you don't get knowledge pushed down your throat.You don't have to sit in a class room for four hours learning about evolution junk that you don't believe, or just junk that you don't want to learn about. You get to choose what you want to learn about. Like if I want to be an artist, I really don't need a lot of math, only the basics. That way I have more time learning about art. Some say I am  lucky, but I think I am just blessed.     

Wednesday, May 11, 2011


Well i have a major dilemma, this Saturday i have my friends birthday party, a hiking trip with the scouts and a carnival for my youth group that i can help serve at. what do i do? Give me a comment to tell me what you would do.   

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Well today me and my friend Payton wanted to hang out but my mom decided to go to the Flower museum instead. So I am  stuck at home with nothing to do.

Monday, May 9, 2011

odd jobs

 Well this week I have been looking for some odd jobs around town,  such as lawn mowing, yard work etc.To get a new bike a really  nice one. I got a job at the hobby shop in town pulling weeds but that's it so if you have any ideas let me know 

Monday, May 2, 2011


Last Friday I spent the night at Issac's, Issac is an intern at FRO also known as Freedom River Outreach. Any way, he lives at the bible college dorms. I practicably fried my brain playing the Wii until 12:30.(Grandma if your reading this don't tell Mom).      The next day I refried my brain playing Nintendo 94, then went for a walk, got taco dell mar and sat by the water front. That night their was a bible study so I went to that then dad picked me up and we went home.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Snow Caving

This week I went snow caving at Paradise.  I know it sounds cold, and it is: but I am still alive. What is snow caving?  Well, basically you dig a cave and sleep in it with three other people.  It's really fun.  I was paired with Gavin and another boy named Eli. It was hard to under stand commands with two Elis. I know its a scary thought, two Elis! 

First, we drove to Paradise in Mount Rainier National Park, and then hiked up to the location we would spend the night.  We then dug out our caves in the snow.  There was around 191" of snow.  Then, we set up candles and put our things inside.  We cooked our dinner on camp stoves, and Gavin took the camp stove and tried to melt the ceiling to make it smooth. If your ceiling is not smooth, it will drip.  I said to him,"you are going to burn the place down!"  But then I remembered it was snow.   We had to secure our food so animals wouldn't get it, and one tried.  We were visited by a grey fox.  It came inside our cave.  It didn't want to snuggle with stinky boys, I guess.  Now I know how to build an emergency snow cave and survive the night. 


Friday, March 4, 2011


Well, it was kind of my fault. I knew it was a bad idea to go sledding for four hours and then party all night with my youth group, even though it was really fun. Anyway, after that was my little sister's birthday party. Wow, that was a trip; especially when I found out she was having a friend spend the night. After her friend left, I got feverish, then I could barely stand. Well, that went on for about three days, then Faith got it, then Mom and it's still going. We will get through it.     

Wednesday, February 23, 2011


I am an twelve year old home schooled boy named Eli.  I have three sisters. One is fourteen, another is six, and the youngest is four. I am stuck in the middle. Can you imagine trying to use the bathroom?  Well don't, it's a nightmare.

My family is a missionary family with YWAM.  YWAM is a global missionary organization.  Right now we are serving the homeless and my dad is serving at a missionary flight school.

We moved to WA seven months ago.  So far, it is good except for all the rain.  I can't complain.  (hey, that rhymes)